Logo containing the sun and some trees. dailyapp
An image of a meeting item in your calendar. An image of two sticky notes. View our public roadmap

Achieve more, stress less

Simplify your life with our intuitive platform for managing todos, calendar, and notes.

Sign up to get early access

End to End Encrypted

All of your notes, todos and calendar are end-to-end encrypted. This means even if we wanted to it would not be possible for us to read your data.


Keep track of what you need to do, add todos into your daily note, if you didn't get them done, they will be rolled over into the next day for you.


Create as many notes as you need, you get a daily notes and you can also create notes and store them in a folder based structure just like your used to.


Integrate with your calendar to keep track of your upcoming schedule, attach notes to meeting and make sure you never forget another meeting again.

No Lock In

Export your data at any time and take it with you. You are free to delete your account at any point, no hassle cancellation and endless phone calls and upsells.

Privacy by design

We end to end encrypt all your notes, todos and calendar, we never ask for any more information than we need.

Commonly Asked Questions

When will you launch?

We are launching in 2023 and will invite users from the waitlist to join the beta in the coming months.

Is my data safe?

Yes, all notes, calendars and todos are end to end encrypted. So even in the event of a breach it would take thousands of years to decrypt your data.

How much will it cost?

Pricing is not yet 100% confirmed but a rough estimate is $8 - $12 per month.

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